I am not sure how to tie all of the events together in a creative way. It may be a bit of sleep deprivation on my part but I am still trying to put together this day in my head. It was a very eventful night at work followed by a bone scan and then building on the property. After that Kris took us to the Greene County Fair to see the demolition derby. He was very shocked that I had never seen one before. I think I know why I never have! If you have ever thought whatever you may be doing was the most senseless thing there could be, I assure you this picture will let you know that it is not! Apparently the goal is to see how much destruction you can commit and still be driving in the end. The place was surrounded by firemen and paramedics and tow trucks. The stands were filled with very interesting people. It was a thing you should watch at least once in your life! Kris's parents are here and it is great to have them nearby. Despite a little nailing incident, Kris and his Dad are making great strides on the framing. I am sending the front and back view today. I hope you all are having a very meaningful day!
Fresh Lavender
5 years ago