Saturday, September 29, 2007

A grateful update.

Ps. 107:15 "Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron."
We may not have had iron bars and bronze gates to get through but God did break down a lot of red tape! Sorry for the abrupt note. The inspectors didn't like our window initially but the second time it passed. We are now moving ahead with drywall and the rest. Only the final inspection remains.
The kids are enjoying seeing the leaves change colors. This is their first Fall!
Hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Interpretting code

There has been a delay in the construction process.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Hello! It is finally Fall according to the calendar. We are excited about seeing leaves begin to change, hearing geese flying South as we plant our tulip bulbs, and anticipating what Winter will be like for our thin-skinned children and dog! It has been a very busy time. I have spent the last half hour trying to log on to this blog and now need to leave in a few min. As much as we love our present location, I do miss the technology so much. Here is a current picture....the end of insulation week! Please pray for Kris tomorrow as the dreaded framing inspection takes place. We miss you all!

Monday, September 17, 2007

What we've been up to...

"So they are moving, just like us?" Isabel asked? "Yes. Almost just like us." How do you explain all these moving things to a 3-year-old? We got to spend Friday night in Columbus with Noah and Amelia and their parents. They are moving to Germany for 9 months and it was great to let the kids spend time with their cousins. They had so much fun together! Thanks, Krista and Adam for having us over. You will be in our prayers as you travel.

Plumbing and electrical inspections have passed. I hope this picture is as interesting to you as it is exciting for us! We are looking forward to being on site as soon as we can. Have a great week. I will post more when I am able. Technology is a little slower these days.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Very Grateful Day

This morning I could not help but remember how my life changed 2 years ago when Isabel had her 1.45 hour-long seizure that changed our lives in so many ways. It seemed that our sweet little girl would never be the same. How could we know that she we be fine and we would be the most affected? Ironically, I got the call today that her EEG she had done last week was normal. We are so thankful to God for his continued healing to her little brain and that she can stay off her Trileptal. We see the neurologist again in January. Thank you, Lord! Thanks for all your prayers for Bel as well.

I feel like there is so much to tell you about. I can only log on a few days a week and so I will try to keep up with all that is happened.

On Saturday I took the kids and drove to Athens. We were only there for the day but we packed a lot into that day. I am posting pictures of Great-grandma Williams showing the kids how to make napkin dolls on a rainy day. Aunt Jo took the kids horse-back riding. Kris's parents made us an awesome meal. Wesley got to help out with the corn! Mrs. Mc Daniel gave the girls some beautiful flowers for 2 bouquets.

Kris was busy back home putting in doors and plumbing. We can now lock the place up.

We are looking for ideas to call our building location. For so long it has been the property but now that we are going to be living there it doesn't sound right. It is a garage now but that will be changing too. Any ideas?

Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Golden field of soybeans

We have loved looking at the soybeans and the corn growing next to our house. It is interesting to see that fall colors are showing up here! Hope you enjoy this.

We have also been getting some more finishing touches on the garage as you can see. Pictures don't seem as dramatic now but it is neat to see our plans take shape. Here are some new views.

I am still waiting on the results of Isabel's EEG. She screamed through the wire placement and we are both glad it is over! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all had a great weekend! This is a quick update as I am in the library with a sleep deprived toddler. Isabel had her EEG today, we moved this weekend, I worked a few nights, and we enjoyed our first Labor Day where the holiday was founded. It is neat to be in Cedarville. Labor Day is HUGE here! There was a weekend packed with activities including a parade and fireworks. The firehouse had a pancake breakfast. It was a neat time and might have been more fun if we weren't so tired from everything else. Wesley was in the parade with some kids from church (they are in the green). Dr. Brown is leading the Women's cross-country team in handing out ice cream. Coach King was actually in the truck. All in all it has been a very productive week. On the building side the shingles are on and we are getting ready for the first framing inspection very soon. Talk to you all soon.