Sunday, December 6, 2009

Drunken tooth fairy

Have you ever realized that your family's traditions are not the national norm? When I was growing up we had a drunken tooth fairy that sometimes left us money depending on his sobriety level. When we lost a tooth we would place it in a glass of water on a shelf. Sometimes we would wake up and find change in the glass. At other times there may be a soggy dollar or nothing. The best thing was to find that the TF had inadvertantly left your tooth so you could repeat the process again.
Having 9 kids in our home (and a fluctuating income level) allowed this system to work for the TF in my house growing up. I do wish you could have seen the look on Kris's face when I told him about it! You can see my the above note that this tradition has not been passed on in our house. There is not a rewarded tooth in our house, however, that does not fail to remind me of resoursefulness in parenting. Sometimes a tiny bit of hope can go a long way.
Isabel has yet to loose a tooth...

Quick thoughts on the go...

1 comment:

Betsy Brock said...

Cute story!

Missed you this morning, but enjoyed seeing Kris!