Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Looking for work

Please, Lord....could you give this man a job before he rebuilds the house?

Quick thoughts on the go...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Drunken tooth fairy

Have you ever realized that your family's traditions are not the national norm? When I was growing up we had a drunken tooth fairy that sometimes left us money depending on his sobriety level. When we lost a tooth we would place it in a glass of water on a shelf. Sometimes we would wake up and find change in the glass. At other times there may be a soggy dollar or nothing. The best thing was to find that the TF had inadvertantly left your tooth so you could repeat the process again.
Having 9 kids in our home (and a fluctuating income level) allowed this system to work for the TF in my house growing up. I do wish you could have seen the look on Kris's face when I told him about it! You can see my the above note that this tradition has not been passed on in our house. There is not a rewarded tooth in our house, however, that does not fail to remind me of resoursefulness in parenting. Sometimes a tiny bit of hope can go a long way.
Isabel has yet to loose a tooth...

Quick thoughts on the go...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Home from NC

It will take weeks for me to recover from events leading up to a quick trip down South let alone a gathering with my whole family. Tonight I am thankful for my family and my home to return too.
I am struggling to "find my words" and a new focus for my blog now that construction is about done. There may be some random posts for a while as I sort this all out.

John took me and some of the family to see Phantom!! Amazing!

Love how the cousins get along so well!!

Abby and her new horses....

Quick thoughts on the go...