Sunday, May 31, 2009

Coming home...

I spent this weekend with my sisters in PA. Susan and I drove with my girls to stay with Catherine. While we were there I ended up running Susan's leg of a team triathlon...a 10K! I will post some pictures when I get them.
It is good to be home again even though my body will be hating me for not training for this race! Susan was still too sore from running her killer marathon in Vermont last week to run. It was a last minute thing and I really didn't know about it until Thursday.
I'll be catching up with more posts soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

On growing things...

It's late and my house is quiet now as the kids are asleep. It is a quiet, reflective time as I just finished reading a book and trying to see some common themes of all that has happened this week.

Wesley turned 10 on Monday. It is amazing to me to see how he is changing in so many ways. At his physical he questioned his doctor for 15 min. on various concerns he has noticed about himself. He is growing taller and is reading so much that I cannot keep up with his books. I am very thankful for our library and Aunts that have helped keep his mind growing as well.

We officially "put in our garden" this week. It is exciting to see some green now in a plot that got to rest for the winter. It was more exciting to see that there were some plants that came back on their own! Some plants that we had worked hard at starting early died and others that we didn't put any effort into flourished. How strange is that? I found myself singing, "God causes all things to grow..." and praying that I will be as diligent in nurturing the people as well as the plants in my little garden of life.

Kristianna had a little gathering tonight of some of her friends and one of the Middle school sponsors from our church. After Wesley's party on Sat. it was surprisingly calm.

Isabel's little mind has been challenged by her kindergarten screening and can't quite seem to learn enough in a day. She is practicing new words and trying to write as many as she can. I had to describe to her that a 'pound' was a place for stray dogs and a 'hound' was another word for a dog. These words bothered her a lot today. She also was struggling with 'polling' not being a word and using 'pollen' instead.

Kris and Susan are off to complete another one of their training goals and are running the Vermont Marathon this weekend. We are spending time with each others' Moms this weekend.

Now it is off to bed. May you have an enjoyable begining to your holiday weekend.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kristianna's Iris'

My Mom brought these flowers from NY 3 summers ago. It was late in the season and they didn't really bloom. For some reason last summer they multiplied but did not bloom either. This year they have multiplied once more and and are now showing off their pretty colors. :) Enjoy.

Back again!

Sorry for the lag in posts and for some catch up posts that you will be seeing. I fell ill to some bug going around. I am getting back to normal now and need to get the composed blog entries out of my head and onto the computer. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wesley's present and party

Yesterday was a classic difference in perspectives. Wesley had a wonderful day. He got to celebrate his birthday a few days early and have a few friends come over. For the other child half his age life was a bit different. Kristianna was away so she alone had to endure the volume of 5 additional 4th graders. She told me in confidence that Bella and Rose (her dolls) are actually allergic to boys! By the end of the night she was hidden in her room with Aunt Susan. :) Wes had a great day and was thrilled with everything.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

5 visitors on the loose

I thought trying to catch Smudge was hard!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy evening

I have a few pictures in my head tonight but not any to post right now. I got the girls' measurements once again since it had been a year or two since last check. The pattern-magazine that I use for so many clothes is Ottobre and it comes from Finland. I had to convert measurements into the metric system and while I was absorbed in my writing Isabel decided to measure me. She doesn't have any concept of starting at a certain point of the tape and we were laughing at some of her numbers. I am amazed I can type with my 64" hand! :)