Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I am reminded today of a commercial a few years back of somber-looking children walking down aisles of a store with excited parents who were throwing school-supply items into their cart with glee. Throughout the scene this typically-Christmas song is playing! Today is the first day of school for Kristianna and Wesley. Isabel had a tearful moment this morning but I am confident she will soon love her new status of queen of the log castle! Our morning routine has a new face this year as Susan is also getting ready at the same time to go teach. Our counters now see coffee as well as the typical kefir the kids have every morning.
Dad W. is up today helping Kris with the walls. Our cabinets are in the house (in boxes) so it is a bit crowded at the moment but I hope to be able to post a picture of the walls soon to let you see how nice they are looking.
I hope you are finding a reason to celebrate your day as well!

Baby Micah

One of my most favorite authors had a comment on a favorite verse of mine.

Isaiah 54:10 "'Thought the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed', says the Lord, who has compassion on you".

Compassion in the Hebrew is the word 'racham' which means "to soothe; to cherish; to love deeply like parents; to be compassionate, be tender...small babies evoke this feeling".

Our family was privileged to have Amanda, Noah, and Micah come and stay with us for a few days. My kids had so much fun playing with Noah and as you can imagine we all enjoyed the first newborn to come be at our house. As I was looking back at all the pictures we took and saw how many we have of Micah this definition came to mind.

On a professional note I have to mention a disclaimer that I am not demonstrating safe sleep practice here.

The meeting place

We met Catherine and her girls at our halfway spot last night. It is always so fun to see them. Susan, Amanda, and I all agreed that although it is a long drive for ice cream, meeting up makes PA-OH seem so much closer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

His work, my work

Even though Kris and I chose very different professions it is nice when our "hobbies" are able to be shared. Today I was able to make some salsa from our garden and provide Kris with a little break while he is busy putting up the walls of the house. This is the same wall (our kitchen) that I posted in the last post. As you can see, things are looking good! We also found flooring yesterday. On the work theme, check out Kris's real job! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Replacing the logs?

We opted for an insulation package to our log home. Although the logs themselves could be sufficient to keep things warm and cool enough, the huge wind gusts out here made us want to add another layer. It was also made the electric easier to install. Now we are covering the walls with Styrofoam and then the finished tongue and groove cedar paneling. It will still look just like the logs and only you all will know the difference! :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another successful inspection!

Kris passed the big framing inspection today! We are excited to be able to move along with final details.
Although this picture will send fear into any labor and delivery nurse, I was excited to view this from our back yard! Enjoy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Kristianna has been saving her money and was able to buy a guitar today. Isabel and Wesley helped Kris fill in ditches. Susan ran 15 miles today. Right now Kris is putting up insulation and I am about to leave for work.
Whew! Enjoy your day.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A plate too full?

The rough electrical inspection passed!! Kris has scheduled the framing inspection for Monday.
Today we went to eat pancakes at the Clifton Mill. We all forgot how large of a portion you receive! Kris asked the waitress for another plate to put syrup on and she gave him advise. She said, "just make a hole in the middle". I was thinking that this could be true of life as well...when your plate is too full the best way to tackle it is to start in the middle!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As I am writing this Kris is waiting for the electric inspection to happen. We are at the point now where things have to fall in sequence. We need the rough plumbing and electric inspections in order to schedule the framing inspection. After the framing we can do more finishing touches. Yesterday was an exciting day because a few of those details were seen. What a difference those spindles have made!

I spent the day vacuuming up two months of sawdust. Although I know it will not be the last time I do this is was encouraging to think that this will be one of the last times!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thanks, guys!!

My mom told me last night that I am keeping some strange hours. I worked for 4 hours last night and then came home in order to go to Columbus this morning for a conference. I just got home and found that the men of the house have been busy! Now I wonder what Smudge has been up to? :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

When I am not awake...

I think this would be a catchy name for a second blog! Working night shift makes for some interesting observations. I awoke at noon to find Susan has taken the kids for a fishing picnic at the Little Miami River. Kris has given himself a headache from plumbing compound and is now working on these spindle-looking items.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fun at the Farm

Last night Susan, myself, and the kids went to see Micah's farm. They had so much fun and Susan and I enjoyed seeing woods and goats again. The "swimming pool" was a huge hit!
Kris is installing exhaust fans today. He stayed home last night to work with Jeremy in putting in more electric lines.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Progress and friends!

I am amazed at what progress can look like sometimes. For so long we have been able to measure our goals by the size of the walls, or the completeness of the roof. Now things are a bit more vague and messy! Kris, Vern, and Vonn worked this weekend to dig ditches, build steps, and put up a deck. The trenches need to stay open until the rough electric inspection. We are excited about the strides being made but they are difficult to see in pictures.
On a more social note, we got to hang out with Vonn's family this weekend. We had so much fun getting to know people we have heard so much about over 14 years. Susan is scheduled to arrive today and my kids are SO excited to have her around again. Vern will be with us until Tues.
We hope you are enjoying time with family and friends this summer.

Friday, August 1, 2008

busy days

Vern Kinsey is here now helping Kris out with wiring, holes, and finding humor in work! :) Wesley has been tackling his new book. All of us are enjoying summer days, even if they aren't lazy ones!