Thursday, June 28, 2007

Clifton Mill....
You know how it is some times when you expect something to not be very interesting and it turns out to be very inspirational? Well, that is the type of week it has been for me. I am still in orientation and am scheduled for OR week. I much prefer to keep my patients OUT of the OR so this has never been a huge love of mine professionally. I have to say that I was challenged this week and got to experience things I haven't before in nursing. It has been a neat time.

Our closing for our FL home is scheduled for tomorrow at 2. We all feel like we will believe it when we see it but it is hopeful for the moment.

The older kids had basketball camp this week. They really have enjoyed learning new skills and meeting some new friends. The camp was held at the church we have been visiting in our new town.

I hope your week has been as inspirational.

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